Lead with Empower Podcast
Personal Stories and Insights from Tremendous Leaders
3 years ago

Mayor Eric Seidel Leads with Empower

"People are only motivated out of two areas - either desire or fear. The problem with motivating people out of fear is that the moment you leave the room, so does the motivation. If you motivate people out of desire, they will go to town."

Eric Seidel - Mayor of the City of Oldsmar, FL - was kind enough to join us for a great conversation about community development, leadership, volunteerism, and so much more! Tune in for a great blend of valuable leadership insight, story telling, and engaging humor - enjoy Mayor Eric Seidel Leads with Empower!

00:00: Episode Introduction and Guest "Roll Call"

  • Introducing City of Oldsmar, FL Mayor, Eric Seidel
  • Mayor Seidel introduces listeners to the City of Oldsmar, its wonderful parks system, and their "downtown development" initiatives

11:05: Lead, Inspire, and Empower - "Have a plan, communicate regularly, and be aggressive in tackling the problem"

  • Mayor Seidel shares great insight into leading during the pandemic; discussing the initial state of emergency, Oldsmar's 3-phase plan of action (Prevention & Essentials, Sustainability, and Recovery), and the current state of recovery in Oldsmar
  • "The smartest person in the room is the one that knows they're not the smartest person in the room"

28:55: From Miami (Dolphins) to Tampa Bay (Buccaneers) - Mayor Seidel's Leadership Journey

  • Mayor Seidel shares stories about his upbringing in Miami, his high school experiences ("not a very good student"), and early career in iron work and construction
  • We learn about Mayor Seidel's transition to a sales job and a key takeaway from his sales manager, Joe Young - "if you're going to do this job well, you have to become involved in community service"
  • Mayor Seidel also discusses his involvement in the Junior Chamber of Commerce (Jaycees), entrepreneurship, and his transition to civil service
  • "I've been in Civil Service, on-and-off, since 2007. To me, it is community service - I don't have any big political ambitions, I love the idea of making an impact!"

38:45: "Finish the Drill" and Episode Closure

  • We wrap up the episode our traditional "rapid fire, rapid response" closure; including: (1) Mayor Seidel's leadership style, strengths, and challenges, (2) his favorite out-of-work adventure, (3) childhood idol/role model, (4) the "Coffee with the Mayor" initiative, and (5) advice for those seeking involvement in civil service

The City of Oldsmar, FL

Musical Credit to Matt Jaskot

Find out more at https://lead-with-empower-podcast.pinecast.co